Thursday, January 18, 2007

American Idol and Paula video.

Okay so the big question is, was this episode of Idol, a true portrayal of the people who live in Seattle? The answer: Yes and no. You have to admit it makes for good TV to show the funky looking people who can't sing, as opposed to those who look like and sound like, previous idolites, such as Katherine McPhearwhatever her name is or Chris (yummy) Daughtry. But the funny thing is, that in some parts of Seattle (especially at my church) there really are the funny little special eds like the ones on American Idol. And although you don't want to poke fun, you have to laugh. Cuz it's funny! Plus, the people that go on Idol know they're going to be on TV, and they must have some inkling that they can't sing, so what do you expect? But I do wish they would've shown some of the contestants who weren't as funny looking and could sing and did a good job. I'm sure they didn't make for good TV though. But not all the funny looking and sounding contestants were from Seattle, they only traveled to Seattle to be on the show, so I don't think it was fair to say that Seattle had the worst singers.
I was sort of disappointed though, because it wasn't as funny as I thought it would be. Some of the other places, such as Minneapolis, were a little more hilarious. With the Seattle Idol, what we got was bizarre. Not hilarious, but bizarre. And I just felt sorry for these people. That chick, with her mother (who weren't from Seattle!), was a bit strange. She really thought she was sexy singing "Dont Cha"! "The Hotness" made me die of laughter. I love how people call themselves words like "hotness" and "sexy" but haven't a clue! That software engineer guy was a bit weird. (I'm sure he was from Seattle..haha) and then we have the infamous Jonathan and Kenneth. I swear I've seen them at my church! I felt bad for Jonathan...he was funny cute. As for Kenneth.. seriously, he really did look like a lemur. It made me laugh. I'm sorry, but it did! Plus his 'tude was ridiculous.
I'm just disappointed that they didn't give the contestants who actually made it any air time. (Except for the two siblings and that be-bop guy). How am I supposed to know who to vote for if they make it to the top 12? That's what's wrong with Idol today. You get more of the funny train wrecks than the true talent. But I guess that's why I watch it! Because when it used to be just the "singing" part, I hardly gave it a chance. Bad me.
Anyway, so this Idol was painful to watch. It wasn't as funny as I thought it would be. Yeah, basically some of the contestants shown truly represent Seattle, but I guess that's why I love it here so much, the diversity of the people! It's great. I'm just hoping that people watching the show realize that the "funny" horrible singers are pretty much planted to make the viewer laugh. When Idol was here, they were in Seattle for about a week and a half. Most of those days were weeding out the "bad" and looking for the talent, but of course they let the funnies go through to sing for the judges, because it makes for good TV.

I give this episode 2 sets of earplugs.

What made for great TV was watching Paula Abdul high as a kite on the local Fox station here, while they were interviewing her. It was hilarious! The woman has gone nuts and is on some sort of drug. I think that's why I'm watching this season more also, to see what the nutcase will do! Gotta love it.

Here's a hilarious video clip of Paula high on who knows what. I especially love the part after they ask her "How do you think Idol changed the world of Pop Music?"...she's actually asleep! Then she goes on to answer and slurs half the answer. It's really funny. Enjoy

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